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DBA Annual General Meeting 2022 | DBA Members only
Our AGM is the annual gathering of the DBA Board of Directors with the membership, and your opportunity to discuss and vote on key issues. You’ll hear about what the DBA has achieved on your behalf in the immediate preceding year, and look to the future of what lies ahead for the organisation, and the design industry.
Jeremy Lindley, Global Head of Design at Diageo, and chair of the DBA will be handing over the baton to our new chair, Warren Hutchinson, Chief Experience Officer and Founder at ELSE who will thank a number of outgoing directors and ask you to vote in new board directors. We will also take members through the financial statements and appoint our auditors for another year.
DBA members will each receive an AGM pack at least two weeks prior to the meeting – each member has one vote. Please join us in person on Zoom, and if you can’t make it, send us your vote ahead of time by completing the proxy in your AGM pack.
Agenda for the meeting:
• Deborah Dawton, DBA Chief Executive overview of 2021
• Voting to accept the financial statements for 2021
• Voting in auditors
• Voting in new board directors
• Warren Hutchinson – chair of the DBA, looking ahead to 2022 and beyond
We look forward to seeing you there. Sign up here and join us from 3pm on Thursday 28 April.