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HR and people management during COVID-19
A Croner webinar, exclusively for DBA members | Wednesday 10 June | 12.30pm to 1.30pm
Do you currently have staff on furlough but want to bring them back part-time?
Maybe you’re concerned about how to manage holidays or the policies you need in place for the return to your workplace?
Or perhaps you’re having to make difficult decisions around redundancies and contract changes?
On Wednesday 10 June at 12.30pm, our HR partner Croner will be exploring a variety of scenarios design businesses may currently be facing in regards to their people in a free webinar, exclusively for DBA members.
Croner’s HR and employment law specialists will illustrate courses of action available to you and outline processes to help your business and people.
This webinar is for DBA members only. Register here.
Croner will cover a range of scenarios such as:
A design agency has some staff on furlough who have been accruing holiday, whilst the staff still working have also not taken any holiday during the last three months. The business is worried about a) burnout and b) being left in a situation where everyone wants to take all their holiday in the last quarter of the year.
We’ll explore how to manage holidays at this unique time, and what you can and can’t do within the law.
A design agency has some people currently on furlough. They are looking to make half of these redundant and bring the other half back into the business end of July.
We’ll explore whether the redundancy process can be managed while staff are on furlough and how best to manage it, including the legalities you must adhere to as an employer.
A design agency has some people currently on furlough. They want to bring them all back but will need to negotiate new contracts with everyone so it can be afforded.
We’ll explore how to manage those contract changes which might include working hours (shift to part time) or reduction of salary.
A design agency wants to bring furloughed staff back on a part time basis.
With changes to the furloughing scheme due to rollout this summer, we’ll explore how ‘part-time furloughing’ may work and what you should be mindful of for your business.
A small agency is looking for alternatives to making redundancies because they feel they need all the skills from the current staff in their recovery.
We’ll explore the alternatives to redundancies such as flexible working, rotas, reduced hours, part time working, job shares. We’ll look at how these should be approached and implemented, whether these can be temporary or permanent changes and the issues you should be mindful of.
A design agency who has managed working from home quite well and is thinking about how they move back to the office in a scaled down way, with not everyone in the studio at the same time.
We’ll explore what changes you may need to make to your policies both for the return to the office and home working, health and safety, and wider considerations of this set-up on your team and business.
About Croner
Highly experienced, professional consultants who provide practical, reliable HR and employment advice.
DBA members can contact a free HR support helpline provided by Croner as part of your DBA membership. Call 0844 561 8133 and quote the DBA member reference code, which can be found here.