To discuss getting the most out of your DBA membership, or to enquire about joining, contact or call 020 7251 9229.
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The difference the DBA makes
DBA membership offers exclusive access to a wealth of services and programmes that directly impact your team’s and your business’ performance. Don’t just take it from us…
Where better to find out how to maximise your membership than from your DBA community? Watch our members explain how they make the most of the resources made available to them, how it’s changed their approaches and the positive impact made on their business and their people.
What's so special about the DBA Community? Listen to one of our members share why it's valuable to them
Richard Taylor, Managing Director at Brandon Consultants, shares his experience of the DBA community.
The DBA has a wide reaching community of specialists, thought leaders and likeminded peers to gain a wealth of insight and support from. If you’re seeking financial, new business, HR or legal advice or a Non-Exec Director, the DBA Experts Register is your fast track route to the best consultants serving the design industry.
If you’d like to connect with local design industry professionals, share experiences and lessons learnt, join us at one of our annual regional networking events. Keep up to date on our latest events and training or sign up to our mailing list to receive news what’s coming up at the DBA.
How useful is the DBA Annual Survey Report? Here are a few DBA Members giving their views
The DBA Annual Survey Report is an invaluable members-only business tool which enables you to benchmark your financial performance with those of your peers.
Released each October it covers fees, salaries, utilisation, income, recovery rates, benefits and trends within DBA member companies. Data is segmented by geography and size of agency to make comparisons more relevant.
How useful is the Employee Engagement Survey? Hear how important it is for one of our members
Sarah Edwards, Owner and Creative Director at Make it Clear, shares her excitement about the DBA Employee Engagement Survey.
After participating in the very first year of the DBA Employee Engagement Survey, Sarah was delighted to find Make it Clear’s rate of employee engagement in 2019 was 91% , surpassing the Design Business Associations’s industry average of 75%.
Keeping employees engaged and happy is increasingly important to every business, every day, everywhere. And this starts with measurement, truly listening to your employees and then taking the appropriate steps to help make your business the best place to work for the people who make it.
Read more about why it’s vital you have an open dialogue about employee engagement.
Image credit:
Gian, Unsplash
Martin Reisch, Unsplash