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DBA Annual Survey Report Launch | DBA Webinar
If the past few years has taught us anything, it’s that it’s not always possible to know exactly what is around the corner. As leaders, preparing yourself and your business for what the future might hold by understanding your individual stress points and identifying opportunities is essential business practice. The key to successful planning for the future is understanding your financial performance, and for design agencies, the most in-depth and robust benchmarking data can be found in the DBA Annual Survey Report.
This year, we are seeing a generally positive outlook with key metrics rebounding back above pre Covid/Brexit levels. During tough economic times this is encouraging, but with rising costs and potential macroeconomic/political issues on the horizon, how will you plan for different eventualities?
Join us on Thursday 13 October at 15:00 as we launch of the 2022 DBA Annual Survey Report at an exclusive DBA member-only webinar.
Esther Carder, Partner at Moore Kingston Smith, will present a detailed analysis of benchmarking data and trends across key agency performance metrics.
She’ll cover:
• Sector confidence levels.
• Income per head, charge out, utilisation and recovery rates.
• Pay rises and staff benefit packages.
• The freelancer landscape.
• Difference between agencies based on location or size.
Esther will give guidance on how to apply these valuable findings to your business to and help prepare you for what lies ahead.
The DBA Annual Survey Report is the most valuable tool you will find to help you plan effectively for 2023.
Join us live from 15:00-16:15 BST on Thursday 13 October.
Running time: 75 minutes. If you have any questions or would like to get in touch in advance of the webinar, please email
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