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Why ‘good enough’ is good enough: The decision making sweet spot with David C. Baker

Every day we make around 34,000 decisions. As creative leaders, we know the significance of the ones we make at work and our responsibility in making them – ensuring we have all the relevant information and that they’re made at the right time.

But what if our decision making process is holding us back?  

Are you a quick decision maker that’s too focused on the short term? Are you thinking of the long term and missing what’s happening next week, next quarter, next year? Are there just too many decisions to make?

Join us for an hour online at 4pm BST on 1 October. David C. Baker, one of the creative industries most experienced and trusted advisors, will open our eyes to the dangers of decision paralysis. He’ll energise us to find and use the tension between short-termism, and impactful, strategic long-term decisions that will drive your business forward and shape your planning as we enter the last quarter of the year and look ahead to 2025.

In conversation with Deborah Dawton, Chief Executive at the DBA, David will help us find that decision making sweet spot and most importantly, reveal whether we need to take the Jobs and Zuckerberg approach to getting dressed in the morning.

Sign up here and join us online from 4pm BST on Tuesday 1 October.