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Showing results for the keyword: free pitch

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Just say ‘no’ – A DBA member responding to free pitch requests

Paul Bremmer of Exesios talks about using his DBA membership to argue the case for the value of his expertise.

Maximise membership, New business & client relations

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Why the ‘free pitch’ serves no-one well

A cast iron case against unpaid creative work, written by client Tom Foulkes and outlining why the free pitch is as bad for clients as it is agencies.

New business & client relations

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Free pitch response letter

Free pitching is a reality of the creative industries. But as a process for a client to find the best agency for their needs it is fundamentally flawed. For agencies to remain healthy and profitable, and for clients to find a partner who understands their needs, a new way is required. This template will help explain your position on free pitching to a potential client.

Financial, New business & client relations

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The free pitching debate

Free / speculative / creative pitching - whatever you want to call it, it amounts to the same thing – doing free unpaid creative work in order to impress a client to win a job. This guide explains why a “free pitch” request is something that should be pushed back against. Not necessarily because it is bad for the agency (although it certainly is) but because it is not an effective way for clients to source the best agency for their needs.

New business & client relations

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Creative vs Credential – choosing an agency

Tom has a compelling argument against the value of speculative creative work (otherwise know as a 'free pitch'). Here Tom outlines the difference between the two approaches. Also included is an example of a "free pitch" response letter.

Advice for clients, New business & client relations

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Everybody on the same (new business) page

There are so many different challenges that can affect an agency's new business success. Blair Enns explains one of the most common and significant, and why it's a good place to start to extricate your agency from a new business rut.

New business & client relations, Strategy development