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DBA Annual General Meeting 2024 | DBA Members only

The DBA’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) is the annual online gathering of the DBA Board of Directors with the membership. It’s your opportunity as a DBA member to vote on key issues. You’ll hear about what the DBA has achieved on your behalf over the past year.

Join us online on Thursday 27 June at 3pm BST to cast your vote on new board members and look to the future of what lies ahead for the organisation, and the design industry.

Following the formal part of the meeting, we’ll be joined by Minnie Moll, Chief Executive of Design Council who, in conversation with Deborah Dawton, Chief Executive of the DBA, will discuss the recent success of the World Design Congress UK bid and look ahead to the opportunities the event will bring. This is an exciting development for UK design and we’re looking forward to coming together to celebrate and showcase the profound impact our industry has on business, society, and the planet. This is our opportunity to engage government to understand the design industry’s role as an enabler of sustainable prosperity and to use design to stimulate growth in the UK. And we need you, our DBA members, to support this.

Sign up and join us online to find out more. DBA members only.