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DBA community: we are listening

A message from the DBA team

Throughout recent weeks, alongside the condemnation of police brutality and racism, we’ve seen calls to action, uplifting solidarity and a welcome spread of informative resources. We stand in support with our black colleagues, peers, members and leaders to fight for equality and justice.

We’re committed to listening, learning and developing meaningful ways we can help to bring about real and impactful change, through knowledge, empathy and action, both within the work that we do at the DBA and in support of the industry as a whole, as befits our role as the industry’s champion and representative body. We have more to do.

In order to offer sustainable solutions – not reactive ones – and facilitate well-informed conversations throughout our design community, supporting a long-lasting systemic change, we’re taking some time to reflect, educate ourselves and plan proper action. We encourage you and your teams to join us in taking this time to do the same.

Education and engagement matter in dismantling systematic racism and unconscious biases. Exploring the following sites is a great first step: