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Don’t miss the chance to have your say on how your designs are protected
The UK government is reviewing the IP framework for designs.
The Intellectual Property Office (IPO) is asking designers, and anyone interested in designs, to share their views on how they think designs should be protected and how the framework could be improved.
You can share your views by completing a short survey or responding to a more in-depth Call for Views.
Says the IPO: “An effective intellectual property (IP) system is vital to the government’s ambition for the UK to be the best place in the world to innovate. The designs system enables rights holders to protect designs and enforce their rights. We want to make sure the designs system works for everyone who uses it.”
Have your say on how to protect your designs
There are two ways to share your views:
The Designs Framework Survey is currently open for responses until 11 February 2022.
It is particularly aimed at those who do not consider themselves IP experts. The short survey takes approximately 10 minutes to complete and is an opportunity for designers, design-led businesses, and manufacturers to have their say on the future of how designs are protected in the UK. You can complete the survey here.
A Designs Call for Views has now also been launched, seeking views on the designs intellectual property framework.
It allows those who would like to give more detailed comments on the UK designs system to share their views, providing opportunity to submit considered arguments about how the system could change.
The Call for Views launched on 25 January and will be open until 25 March 2022. You can access more information and respond to the Call for Views on design IP here.
“We would like to hear from you about what works well and what could work better. This will allow the government to consider whether changes need to be made to the UK designs system,” says the IPO.
DBA Expert and Senior Associate at D Young & Co, William Burrell says, “The release of this consultation on whether changes are required to the existing UK design law framework provides a fantastic opportunity for those already making use of registered and unregistered design rights in the UK to have their say on whether these rights are currently fit for purpose, and if not then how they could be improved to work more effectively.
Equally, for those not yet making substantial use of design rights in the UK, the consultation at least now provides a welcome opportunity to provide input on how these rights might be modified to better cover their design related activities.”
You can read more from DBA Expert William Burrell on the consultation here.
And you can also hear from our industry friends, Anti Copying in Design (ACID), on why they welcome this consultation, here.
Designs Framework Survey: take part here.
Designs Call for Views: take part here.
Image credits:
Catrin Johnson | Unsplash
William Burrell, D Young & Co